Chinese Online Chinese Typing, Tone Pinyin Input:
HanWJ Toned Pinyin Input Method
Tone pinyin is the full form of pinyin, and is widely used in Chinese teaching and document indexing. Yet its typing is difficult and normally requires multiple key strokes for a single toned-vowel.
With HanWJ Tone Pinyin Input Method, typing of pinyin with tone mark can be done efficiently now with just onetime key press.
Tone Pinyin input is done differently with Chinese/western Input Modes.
In western input mode: hold down vowel key (a, o, e, i, u, or v), then tap tone key (similar to using Shift key to enter letter).
Tone keys:
Number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (tone 1-5).
Figure 1 |
![Tone Pinyin numbers](./ToneNumbers.png) |
e.g., holding u, tap 2, produces ú; i.e., u + 2 --> ú. Likewise, e + 4 --> è;
v + 4 --> ǜ. o + 3 --> ǒ. v + 5 --> ü.
**Note: 7,8,9,0 (tone 1-4) can also be used for both-hand-typing convenience; e.g., to type ā, press a, then tap 7 on the right.
In Chinese input mode: first type in pinyin, then type in non-numeric Tone key (leftmost column of keys; see Figure 2), then type RETURN key. See Figures 3, 4.
Figure 2 | ![Tone Pinyin Keys](./ToneKeysLeft2.png) |
Figure 3 | ![Toned Pinyin Input Software](./TonedPYCnMode_en.png) |
Figure 4 | ![Toned Pinyin Input Software](./TonedPYCnMode2_en.png)
Online Chinese Typing, Tone Pinyin Input