Note: the first listed pinyin may not be the most significant one for the zi. e.g., for 离, the most common pinyin is lí; but it is listed last.
Part shown is representation of a part class. It may look a bit different than strokes. Parts order may not be the same as stroke order,
because of stroke-mix of some adjacent parts; e.g., 因 consists of 囗大,but 囗's last stroke is 一 after 大.
【字通通】 Find Zi By Parts
Click on below table to select zi part Right-click to clear
If Zi has larger part, use that part.
For example, 风 is itself a recoganized
part of Chinese characters; Zi like 飒
can be searched using part 风.
Right-click on parts table to
clear selected parts
Click on a part in Selected Parts box
to remove that part.
Click on a part in parts table to select it;
clicking the second time will remove it.
Move caret in Zi Set table to get Zi Info.
To get info for a zi directly, simply input that zi into Zi Set box.
* For some part, there is no results unless All Zi is selected here.
About Parts. Part is uniquely, commonly
identifiable 2-dimentional pattern
consisting of one or more strokes.
Parts selection is based on the
《汉字部首表》 published in China and
is for the purpose of searching zi.
-This software utilizes CC-CEDICT, the well-known public-domain Chinese-English dictionary.
Many thanks to all creators, contributors, and the maintainer:
-This software utilizes Hanzi Writer, the well-known public-domain Chinese-learning tool.
Many thanks to all creators, contributors, and the maintainer:
Disclaimer: This content is for reference use only.
Any reference or any linkages from this web site to the web site of another party, do not constitute or imply the endorsement,
recommendation, or favoring to them by the author and publisher of this software. The author and publisher of this software disclaim any liability in connection with the use of these materials.
* Zi info is based on Unicode material which includes some rarely used tones.